Once again work robbed me of the time needed to make a comic. So instead; photoshop silliness. I really need to get one of these. It would cut out 2 steps in my current pen and paper workflow.
Two weeks running now and I haven't had the time to finish a comic. 13 hour work days on the weekday and social events out of town on the weekends have made it impossible to do a full comic. So instead, here are some birds.
This week was way too busy for me to even get close to finishing a comic. Luckily Kristina Hartzell was kind enough to fill in using some unused sketches. I'm kind of a fan of this blank templet. I may use it again.
Apologies. This is a repeat comic that some of you might have seen but others have not. Through a combination of working 50+ hours at my day job and poor time management on my part, I was not able to finish this week's comic on time. Look for this week's comic to be published on March 29th (Wednesday).
Walking From Work is a webcomic that updates every Saturday. It deals with whatever lame idea my brain thinks can be turned into a lame joke.
Email: walkingtowork@gmail.com